Rabu, 13 Mei 2009


Complements are words that come after linking verbs and modify nouns. The most common noun complements are adjectives and nouns, but can be many other part of speech as well.

TestMagic uses the term noun complement more liberally than do some other grammar resources; doing so will make grammar explanations for tests much, much easier and faster.


All the highlighted words or phrases below are complements.

My sister is a doctor.

Tomomi is happy.

The book is on the table.

Carl is here.

We should try to remain calm.

The test proved to be more difficult than we had imagined.

I consider you a friend.

Megumi called her ex-boyfriend a philistine.

In all of these examples, the highlighted words are considered by TestMagic to be complements since they all serve to modify the nouns that are underlined.

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